The Parish Council is the first tier of local government which represents and serves the whole community of Brampton Ash. Parish Councillors currently operate within a national Code of Practice and the Parish Council has stringent Standing Orders and Financial Regulations that govern its’ actions.
The Parish Council is made up of 5 Councillors. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected by members of the Parish Council on an annual basis and serve to lead the Council in its activities. As a team, we strive to improve and protect our beautiful village, whilst meeting the needs of our parishioners and we welcome ideas and suggestions on how to improve our village. Please contact us via the Contact us page or speak to one of the councillors when you see us out and about.
The Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer is the only paid employee (part time).
Brampton Ash Parish Council is funded by means of a local precept, in order to finance its functions and responsibilities.
The Parish Council holds 4 statutory meetings each year, usually in May, September, December and April. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May. Additional meetings are held as required, for example, to discuss Planning matters and any other such matters that cannot reasonably wait until the next scheduled meeting. Meetings are advertised on the village notice-board and on this website and members of the public are welcome to attend. Meetings are normally held at the Parish Church, by kind permission of the Parochial Church Council.